Monday, October 26, 2009

One Love,

A day to rest at home after three days of going out. Heels kill !

Went out w my girls on Thursday. I tot it's Wed on that day. Met at Yishun Safra to bowl. Wasnt fun for the first round bcos the ball kept going to drain. Waste my money. But was fun for 2nd game. HAHA ! Went City Hall after that then lunch at The Asian Kitchen. Their side dishes are delicious. The total bill was nice as well. HAHA !

Went for job interview @ Jurong w Sylvia KT & HZ on Friday. Headed to Marina square aftermath to meet Sylvia's 2nd sis. Left @ 4plus to meet ♥ & friends at Orchard. Dined at Bishan & headed home @ 10 plus ?

Met ♥ ystd to search for my things end up didnt get any. So decided to go Marina Barrage, like finally :D Super windy. Stayed there till 9 plus and left cus of the weather.

Prom in just a few days' time & I'm not prepared yet. HAHA !

Some pictures here ;

Today will be a boring day. FB Bejeweled. LOL ! Bye (:

Friday, October 02, 2009

Will History Repeat Itself ?

Tuition was dry bcos we went thru Organic Compunds, Alkanes & Alkenes. Most hated topics.

Wasnt rlly concentrating as my mind was running thru some thoughts. Not in the mood for anything. SS session now. Must concentrate ... Maybe ...

Fishball, can grab it alrdy ! :D

There's SS & POA tests tml ...

Bye !